19 March 2011

Social Networking

Since its conception, social networking has expanded to greater possibilities than what their creators first had anticipated.  To explain, the ever-popular Facebook in its infancy was a site to stay connected with your classmates.  Today, it is evident from their statistical page to have over 500 million users worldwide. http://www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics 200 million are mobile users. People on Facebook install 20 million applications per day. What business would not want to this high level of traffic? Business professionals can start to use the site to add pages and their ad campaigns.   Personal accounts are easy to establish. You have the capabilities to add pictures, events, likes, friends, applications and games just to name a few.

Another popular site is Twitter; it allows your voice to echo to words out to the world.  (Well that depends on who you are and the following you captivated). As of today, March 18, the top 3 people being followed on Twitter, Lady Gaga, our very own Justin Bieber, ( who I will be talking about shortly when I get to You Tube)  and in third place is Brittney Spears.  Twitter themselves own the 12th spot. See the complete top 100 list here : http://twitaholic.com/top100/followers/ . Twitter is not just reserved for the exposure to these stars. Business as Citi, Coke-Cola, and Delta Airlines use Co Tweet a workflow management system. Tweet Deck enables you to be connected with multiple Twitter accounts as well as Facebook simultaneously. Tweet meme allows you to filter out noise you want to eliminate. Business can use the feature of predetermined tweets just in time for that product launch. Social networking has the capability of warp speeds of spreading compared to techniques used to capture market share even as little as 7 years ago.

You Tube, another possible avenue to brand yourself. This is how the discovery of a young boy from Ontario has led him to make music, books, and movies. He is a true representation of how social media has transformed his world, our world.  That would be Justin Bieber and the connection that trickled down for him to meet Usher. This help fuel this young mans career to worldwide status. How powerful This is only one of so many stories that has made our world geography shrink with the use of this forum.  You tube for business is way to visually demonstrate that new product, explain the process to using your product. Best part open 24 /7.  Whether you are a seasoned professional or a beginner you tube lets you get your message out with both the verbal and non-verbal communication factors. 
LinkedIn is a medium used for Entrepreneurs and Business Professionals. From hiring, sourcing, recruiting, asking for advice, forums, connection to associations within your industry, creating groups, advertising your business are some of the features.   The ability to search and follow companies of interests at your finger tips are aids to keeping you informed. For the job seeker you have delivered to your page the jobs recently posted.  LinkedIn is a great tool to use as future prospects.
Bringing, the text, the live visual of the person to group call conferencing to file sharing are some of the features one can access on Skype. Although, Skype is not entirely free to use for a Business, there are overall savings, file sharing important large file documents that would be courier otherwise. The time element alone can be crucial to solidifying a deal or decision with counterparts across the world. They have different platform packages should you be the starting entrepreneur or the sourcing technological advances for the enterprise you currently work at.  To see what platform works best for your situation see http://www.skype.com/intl/en/business#t_overview .

Social Media has the capacity to transform the world in which we live.  There are some very interesting facts as shown on the You Tube document called Social Media Revolution- socialnomics.net.  Are you in?

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